město Klášterec nad Ohří
Klášterec nad Ohří
extended searching

Ore Mountains

The Krušné hory Mountains (Ore Mountains)



The town of Klášterec nad Ohří lies in Podkrušnohoří (foothills region), which opens up the possibility to visit a wide range of tourist places of interest that are within easy reach.

The highest mountain is Klínovec, Boží Dar with a nature trail to the moors of Božídarské rašeliniště and the Baby Jesus Route is located nearby.

We have chosen two tips for you that are closest to our town:

Museum der Luftschlacht über dem Erzgebirge in Kovářská (dt. Schmiedeberg)

The museum exhibition commemorates the WW2 battle that took place on September 11, 1944. The museum was inaugu-rated by American and German veterans of this battle on September 13, 1997. Among the exhibits you will see artefacts from shot-down aircrafts, historical photographs, documents, uniforms and dioramas. The museum commemorates the pilots of all nationalities who died during the battle.


Měděnec is a mining town, where argentiferous copper ore started to be mined in the 10th century. Nowadays, there are adits after extraction, which are located on the top of Mědník, where you can also find the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.


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Current weather

today, Thursday 19. 9. 2024
light rain 20 °C 12 °C
Friday 20. 9. scattered clouds 20/10 °C
Saturday 21. 9. sky is clear 20/9 °C
Sunday 22. 9. overcast clouds 20/9 °C