město Klášterec nad Ohří
Klášterec nad Ohří
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Ruins of Castles

The Lestkov Castle (Egerberk)

The first known owner of the noble castle founded at the turn of the 13th and 14th century was Vilém of Egerberk. The building is an example of the castle with a dual-palace ground plan. The remains of ditches, ramparts, walls, gates, palaces and farm buildings have been preserved. The ruins of the Lestkov castle or Egerberk lie on the right bank of the Ohře River, about 3 km from Klášterce nad Ohří. You can reach the ruins by following the red tourist trail from the spa area or from the village of Rašovice. You can go by car to the village of Lestkov, from where the journey to the castle is 0.5 km long.

Did you know that Jan Hus stayed and began working on his writings of Czech Postila at the Lestkov Castle at the turn of 1412 and 1413?

The Šumburk Castle

The castle was founded by Vilém of Šumburk in the 30’s of the 15th century and was rebuilt by the Fictums in the early 16th century. Soon after a fire, it was abandoned. The remains of a residential tower, ramparts with bastions and an interesting gate have been preserved. The Šumburk Castle is located about 3.5 km southwest of Klášterce nad Ohří on the red and yellow trails from the spa area. When going by car it is best accessible from the main road No. 13 to Klášterecká Jeseň, parking is available at a back road leading to the abandoned farmstead Šumná.

Also visit the castles of Perštejn, Himlštejn and Horní hrad (direction to Karlovy Vary) or Hasištejn (direction to Chomutov).

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Current weather

today, Friday 7. 2. 2025
light snow 2 °C 0 °C
Saturday 8. 2. overcast clouds 2/-2 °C
Sunday 9. 2. sky is clear 3/-3 °C
Monday 10. 2. few clouds 3/-2 °C